Search code examples core on azure issue with loading static files

We have an core application hosted in azure as web-app. We have pretty big front-end including few javascript files, images and html. And sometimes, request for a static files(for instance something.js) just runs into endless process and replies after long delay with status 502 Bad Gateway. It happens not often, but it is a big problem for us. All our static files are placed under the wwwroot directory.

Have someone experienced something similar?


  • So ok, after few days of investigation together with team we came up with next solution. We have updated version of ASP.NET Core to 1.1 and the problem was solved. This problem cannot be reproduced when you deploy your application on local-IIS only on azure.

    I am not sure, which team of MS have produced that bug(azure team or ASP.NET core team). But it is sad that quality of MS products have dramatically decreased during last 2-3 years.

    So don't blame your self too much when some unknown bug appears in your code, probably it is a gift from MS. ;)