General Info:
Aspx page holds an Ascx User control. Inside the User control, the Repeater is contained inside a View, contained inside a Multiview. Asp.Net 2.0 framework / C#
I have a repeater (inside an ascx user control) that shows records, and the first column is a checkbox. If checked, that row will be deleted. OUtside the repeater, I have a button that will deleted all rows that are checked.
Everything works fine, but have been asked to add a pop up "confirm delete" message that includes the number of records that will be deleted if the user clicks "Ok" on the pop up.
Something like: "You are about to delete 8 records".
Currently my button looks like this:
<asp:Button ID="btnDeleteAllRecords" runat="server" Text="Delete all Checked Records" Onclick="btnDeleteAllRecords_Click" OnClientClick="javascript:GetCbCount();" />
I have this javascript code block:
<script type="text/javascript">
function GetCbCount()
var cb = document.getElementById("rptrVoicemail").getElementsByTageName("input");
var cbCount;
for(i = 0; i < cb.lenght; i++)
if(cb[i].type == "checkbox")
cbCount = cbCount + 1;
return confirm('You are about to delete' + cbCount + 'records.');
When I click my button I'm getting:
Error: 'document.getElementById(...)' is null or not an object on this line:
var cb = document.getElementById("rptrVoicemail").getElementsByTageName("input");
Why is the JS not seeing my repeater? Is it because it's buried inside a MultiView? How can the JS be corrected so that the pop up will show the record count in the message?
UPDATE: I changed the script to:
function GetCbCount(){
var inpt = document.getElementById("vmDiv");
var checkboxes = inpt.getElementsByTagName("input");
var cbCount;
for(i = 0; i<checkboxes.lenght;i++){
if (checkboxes[i].type == "checkbox" && checkboxes[i].checked){
cbCount = cbCount + 1;
return confirm('You are about to delete ' + cbCount + ' Voicemails.');
This should work:
document.getElementById('<%= rptrVoicemail.ClientID %>').getElementsByTageName("input");
Another approach is this little script that returns the ClientID. You could add it even to an included JS-file.
function GetClientId(strid)
var count=document.forms[ 0 ].length ;
var i = 0 ;
var eleName;
for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ )
eleName = document.forms [ 0 ].elements[ i ].id;
pos=eleName.indexOf( strid ) ;
if(pos >= 0) break;
return eleName;
Found here.