So in my React project, I have a fallback default state for an address form that looks like this:
state = {
newLocation: this.props.location || {
lat: null,
lng: null,
street: null,
complement: null,
neighbourhood: null,
city: null,
state: null,
zipCode: null,
country: null,
However, it feels quite ridiculous defining such a large object with all keys equal to null. Is there a shorter way of doing this? Something in ES6/ES7?
You could use an array and iterate the keys and build a new object with Object.assign.
var keys = ['lat', 'lng', 'street', 'complement', 'neighbourhood', 'city', 'state', 'zipCode', 'country'],
loc = { lat: 123, lng: 246, city: 'NY', country: 'USA' },
state = {
newLocation: Object.assign(keys.reduce((o, k) => Object.assign(o, { [k]: null }), {}), loc)
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