I am trying to understand how I can put some custom validation to a Drupal webform.
I've understand that I have to put some function somewhere, but I can't understand where .Somebody says that I have to put my custom code in the module webform, in a hook, but what file ? Someone else said that I have to put my code in the template.php
file of the template.
Example of the code that I think I have to implement :
function starting_drupal_dev_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form_id == 'article_node_form') {
$form['#validate'][] = 'starting_drupal_dev_form_validate';
I have found this example on internet : drupal form validation But it's very confusing.
Can anyone clarify this ? I'm using Drupal 7.43.
Ok, so the answer to my problem was to put the form_alter function in the mymodule.module file.