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How to retrieve Eclipse Sisu created bean from an instance that has been instantiated with a new ()

I'm trying to integrate kind of 'DI' within my Eclipse 3.x like project.

So I defined some 'business' beans like this:

class A{...}

@Named class B{ @Inject private A a;
public void doSmtg() { //use a

And finally I have an Eclipse AbstractHandler class (registered by a plugin.xml extension point) where i want to Inject the B bean.

public class UIHandler extends AbstractHandler implements IHandler {

    public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
// I want to get my B bean where A is injected

Is it feasible? How can I do this?


  • Looking at the Sisu Activator, I used the SisuTracker code and now use that snippet to get a bean:

    this.resourceToAssetFinder = (ILocator<R, Asset>) Activator.getPlugin().findLocator(Activator.getPlugin().getBundle().getBundleContext()).locate(Key.get(IResourceToAssetLocator.class)).iterator().next().getValue();

    This way, all beans are loaded in my bundle's classpath.

    Side info, the needed dependencies to bootstrap Sisu are:

    <artifact>      <id>org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:${org.eclipse.sisu.version}</id>