I have a class, which redefines the copy feature from ANY
. I would like to add a new require condition, but I get this error:
Assertion in redeclaration uses just 'require' or 'ensure'. invalid precondition feature 'copy'
copy ( other : like Current )
size_is_enough: Current.max_size >= other.count
-- ...
This class contains an array, and I would like to check before copying, if the object has enough space for them
Preconditions in feature redeclarations can be weakened in Eiffel by using require else instead of require (for postconditions it would be ensure then instead of ensure). The new effective precondition will be a combination of the original one and the new one. For example, if there is a feature
that is redeclared as
require else
then the effective precondition will be A or else B
. In other words, a precondition of a redeclaration is always weaker than of the original feature.
The same applies to the precondition of the feature copy
: it can only become weaker. It means that you cannot check that the array size of the current object is larger than of the other one. The precondition of the redeclaration will only be checked when the original precondition is not satisfied, i.e. when the type of the other object is different from the type of the current one. In other words, you are trying to strengthen the precondition and this is impossible.
One option is to use a different feature instead of copy
, another is to resize storage of the current object if required. In both cases the precondition of the feature copy
remains unchanged.