Is there any chance to use a component as a global ActivityIndicator which has transparent color and had been created by me on React-Native?
component with name ActIndicator
component that contains the app.Root
component that wraps the ActIndicator
and App
components.The ultimate code of render
method of Root
component looks like the following:
render() {
if (this.state.showActivityIndicator) {
<App />
return (</App>)
I've tried several methods but I can not be successful.
I guess my brain is stopped.
I also guess there may be a logic mistake.
const withLoadingOverlay = (Component) => class withLoadingOverlayView extends React.Component { props: withLoadingOverlayProps
// Indicator view styles loadingOverlay = (style) => (
<View style={[style, styles.someDefaultStyles]}>
<ActivityIndicator color={someColor} size="large" />
</View> )
render() {
const { pending, ...passProps } = this.props;
const { width, height } = Dimensions.get('window');
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<Component {...passProps} />
{pending && this.loadingOverlay({ width, height })}
); } };
I used to wrap whole container with HOC and with redux action to set on start pending prop true and on success or fail to set on false so this prop will be consumed by HOC and indicator will be displayed only when pending is set on true.
In container you have to wrap component in connect
export default connect(
(state) => ({
pending: state.reducer.pending, // pending prop should be here
(dispatch) => ({ dispatching redux actions })