I want to find a point in world space at the center of the viewport using the point cloud from the Unity Tango integration. I'll then place a "reticle" type GameObject there.
I'm basing my code off the point_to_point example in the C API examples.
is the function that will do what what I need, but it requires a pose parameter.
The C API says this is:
The pose of the point cloud relative to the color camera used to obtain uv_coordinates.
The Unity API says this is:
Transformation matrix of the color camera with respect to the Unity World frame.
The point_to_point example calls:
to find the pose.
But this doesn't exist in the Unity integration. I've tried adding it manually like this:
internal const string TANGO_SUPPORT_UNITY_DLL = "tango_support_api";
private static extern int TangoSupport_calculateRelativePose(
double base_timestamp, TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType base_frame,
double target_timestamp, TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType target_frame,
out TangoPoseData base_frame_T_target_frame);
And calling it like this:
TangoPoseData poseData = new TangoPosedata();
out poseData
But this give me a null ref when I call it. Am I taking the right approach? Does TangoSupport_calculateRelativePose
exist in the tango_support_api library that ships with the Unity integration?
There is a point_to_point example in the Unity package. But uses a C# function FindClosestPoint
, which just iterates through every point in the point cloud, which not a usable solution.
Currently, FindClosestPoint
is not available through Unity. The closest substitution is the FindPlane function in PointCloud prefab. See the function here.