I'm new to scripting in unity and I have a script that destroys an object when its health reaches 0
var EnemyHealth : int = 10;
function DeductPoints (DamageAmount : int) {
EnemyHealth -= DamageAmount;
function Update () {
if (EnemyHealth <= 0) {
When I run this script it works fine but when it gets destroyed, it doesn't play the animation and continues with destroying it.
How a particle system is supposed to play if you destroy the object holding it ?
Instantiate a prefab of the particle system with an auto-destrut parameter and do not make it a child of the object to destroy.
if (EnemyHealth <= 0) {
Instantiate( particlesPrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation ) ;
Edit : I thought particles systems had a parameter to destroy automatically themselves at the end of the emission but I can't find it. You may have to add a script to the prefab holding the particles system so as to destroy it after a given delay using the 2nd parameter of the Destroy function.
private void Start()
ParticleSystem ps = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
Destroy( gameobject, ps.main.duration ) ;