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Scala/Twirl variables and scope/defining

I'm a front ender by trade but I've been asked to hop on to a Scala project which leverages the Play framework so includes Twirl. I'm trying to create a template which displays slightly different outputs depending on the string which is passed in.

Here is my code:

@(status: String)(implicit messages: Messages)

    if(status == "00") {
        val pageTitle = "Page title"
        val appStatus = "className"
        val title = "message"
        val subTitle = "message"
        val step1Status = "className"
        val step2Status = "className"
        val step3Status = "className"
        val image1 = "/customs/assets/images/image.png"
        val image2 = "/customs/assets/images/image.png"
        val image3 = "/customs/assets/images/image.png"
        val optionalHeading = ""
        val optionalParagraph = ""
        val listContents = "<li>@Messages('message')</li><li>@Messages('message')</li>"
        val optionalLink = "<br /><a class='button' href='@routes.DashboardController.display(custom)' role='button'>@Messages('message')</a>"

    if(status == "01") {
        //Other variables
    if(status == "04") {

@layout(${pageTitle}) {
        <div class="content__body">
            <div class="hero">
                <div class="${appStatus}">
                    <h1 class="bold-large">@Messages(${title})</h1>
                    <ol class="appstatus-steps">
                        <li><span class="${step1Status}"><img alt="Complete" title="Complete" src=" + ${image1} + ">@Messages("messages.Received")</span></li>
                        <li><span class="${step2Status}"><img alt="Complete" title="Complete" src=" + ${image2} + ">@Messages("messages.Processing")</span></li>
                        <li><span class="${step3Status}"><img alt="Complete" title="Complete" src=" + ${image3} + ">@Messages("messages.Decision")</span></li>



            <ul class="list list-bullet">


So, as you can see, the idea is that this page is called with a code (status) and based on that string, a number of variables are defined which alter the way the page is formed; content/css classes/images etc.

This doesn't work (you may be surprised to learn!)

It's really unclear to me WHY it doesn't though. I thought that you accessed variables using a ${Variable} format, but it's possible that you're supposed to use the @Variable format instead.

Even when I try to change them to the @Variable way, I'm still getting problems and I loosely understand that this is to do with scope in Scala/Twirl and there's a "defining" keyword which can be used. I've read some documentation but I'm not getting it.

Could anyone shed some light on this?


Okay, let's just consider the below code instead:

@(status: String)(implicit messages: Messages)

    if(status == "00") {
        val myClass = "custom-class-1"
    if (status == "01") {
        val myClass = "custom-class-2"
@layout("page title") {
    <div class="@myClass">This is a div</div>

So 'all I want to do' :) is be able to define a variety of variables based on the status and then use those variables in the template of the page.

Does that make sense? I'm so new to Scala so Tuples/Defining is lost on me at the moment, but I am learning!


  • The answer by @pedrorijio is almost exactly correct, but the actual code which worked for me in the end was this:

    @myClass = @{status match {
      case "00" => "custom-class-1"
      case "01" => "custom-class-2"

    Thank you for the assistance!