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Orika - Does not generate field-mapping; only byDefault works

I have just started to use Orika and I'd like to map data from a business entity used in my application ('PaymentPlan') to a POJO that I use for data transfer ('ShopifyRecurringApplicationCharge').

Everything seems to work fine (even custom converters for String<->Date), except for the fields..

  • PaymentPlan.shopifyID (int)
  • (String)

When converting from 'ShopifyRecurr..' to 'PaymentPlan', I would expect the String to get parsed and converted to 'int', but the field value just stays '0'. The other way round, 'ShopifyRecurr...ChargeInner.ID' just stays null.

Edit: I have looked into the mapper generated by Orika and found that there is NO CODE for the attributes shopifyID/id, although I have specified them explicitly in the Orika-Mapping. I have also attached the generated source below.

Did I make any stupid mistake?


package de.dpt.persistence;

import javax.persistence.*;
public class PaymentPlan implements Serializable {
public PaymentPlan() {

@Column(name="ID", nullable=false, length=11)   
@org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator(name="DE_DPT_PERSISTENCE_PAYMENTPLAN_ID_GENERATOR", strategy="native")  
private int ID;
@Column(name="`Plan`", nullable=false, length=11)   
private int plan;

@Column(name="Activated_on", nullable=true, length=255) 
private java.util.Date activated_on;

@Column(name="Billing_on", nullable=true)   
private java.util.Date billing_on;

@Column(name="Cancelled_on", nullable=true) 
private java.util.Date cancelled_on;

@Column(name="Confirmation_url", nullable=true, length=255) 
private String confirmation_url;

@Column(name="Created_at", nullable=true)   
private java.util.Date created_at;

@Column(name="ShopifyID", nullable=false, length=11)    
private int shopifyID;

@Column(name="Name", nullable=true, length=255) 
private String name;

@Column(name="Price", nullable=false, length=255)   
private String price;

@Column(name="Return_url", nullable=true, length=255)   
private String return_url;

@Column(name="Status", nullable=true, length=255)   
private String status;

@Column(name="Terms", nullable=true, length=255)    
private String terms;

@Column(name="Test", nullable=false, length=1)  
private boolean test;

@Column(name="Trial_days", nullable=false, length=11)   
private int trial_days;

@Column(name="Trial_ends_on", nullable=true)    
private java.util.Date trial_ends_on;

@Column(name="Updated_at", nullable=true)   
private java.util.Date updated_at;

private void setID(int value) {
    this.ID = value;

public int getID() {
    return ID;

public int getORMID() {
    return getID();

 * ET_PaymentPlan
public void setPlan(int value) {
    this.plan = value;

 * ET_PaymentPlan
public int getPlan() {
    return plan;

public void setActivated_on(java.util.Date value) {
    this.activated_on = value;

public java.util.Date getActivated_on() {
    return activated_on;

public void setBilling_on(java.util.Date value) {
    this.billing_on = value;

public java.util.Date getBilling_on() {
    return billing_on;

public void setCancelled_on(java.util.Date value) {
    this.cancelled_on = value;

public java.util.Date getCancelled_on() {
    return cancelled_on;

public void setConfirmation_url(String value) {
    this.confirmation_url = value;

public String getConfirmation_url() {
    return confirmation_url;

public void setCreated_at(java.util.Date value) {
    this.created_at = value;

public java.util.Date getCreated_at() {
    return created_at;

public void setShopifyID(int value) {
    this.shopifyID = value;

public int getShopifyID() {
    return shopifyID;

public void setName(String value) { = value;

public String getName() {
    return name;

public void setPrice(String value) {
    this.price = value;

public String getPrice() {
    return price;

public void setReturn_url(String value) {
    this.return_url = value;

public String getReturn_url() {
    return return_url;

public void setStatus(String value) {
    this.status = value;

public String getStatus() {
    return status;

public void setTerms(String value) {
    this.terms = value;

public String getTerms() {
    return terms;

public void setTest(boolean value) {
    this.test = value;

public boolean getTest() {
    return test;

public void setTrial_days(int value) {
    this.trial_days = value;

public int getTrial_days() {
    return trial_days;

public void setTrial_ends_on(java.util.Date value) {
    this.trial_ends_on = value;

public java.util.Date getTrial_ends_on() {
    return trial_ends_on;

public void setUpdated_at(java.util.Date value) {
    this.updated_at = value;

public java.util.Date getUpdated_at() {
    return updated_at;

public String toString() {
    return String.valueOf(getID());


package de.shopify.api.model;

import java.util.List;

public class ShopifyRecurringApplicationCharge {

public ShopifyRecurringApplicationChargeInner
public List<ShopifyRecurringApplicationChargeInner>

public static class ShopifyRecurringApplicationChargeInner {

    public ShopifyRecurringApplicationChargeInner()  {}

    public String activated_on;
    public String billing_on;
    public String cancelled_on;
    public String capped_amount;
    public String confirmation_url;
    public String created_at;
    public String id;
    public String name;
    public String price;
    public String return_url;
    public String status;
    public String terms;
    public String test;
    public String trial_days;
    public String trial_ends_on;
    public String updated_at;


The Mapping

public enum PaymentPlanMapper {

private PaymentPlanMapper()  {
    ShopifyBaseMapper.factory.classMap(PaymentPlan.class, ShopifyRecurringApplicationChargeInner.class)


Using a filled ShopifyRecurringApplicationCharge(Inner), I use the following call to map:

PaymentPlan newPaymentPlan =, PaymentPlan.class);

Edit: Generated Mapper

package ma.glasnost.orika.generated;

public class Orika_ShopifyRecurringApplicationChargeInner_PaymentPlan_Mapper4020303591863$0
        extends ma.glasnost.orika.impl.GeneratedMapperBase {

    public void mapAtoB(java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b,
            ma.glasnost.orika.MappingContext mappingContext) {

        super.mapAtoB(a, b, mappingContext);

        de.dpt.persistence.PaymentPlan source = ((de.dpt.persistence.PaymentPlan) a);
        de.shopify.api.model.ShopifyRecurringApplicationCharge.ShopifyRecurringApplicationChargeInner destination = ((de.shopify.api.model.ShopifyRecurringApplicationCharge.ShopifyRecurringApplicationChargeInner) b);

        if ((!(((java.util.Date) source.getActivated_on()) == null))) {
            destination.activated_on = ""
                    + ((ma.glasnost.orika.Converter) usedConverters[0])
                                    ((java.util.Date) source.getActivated_on()),
                                    ((ma.glasnost.orika.metadata.Type) usedTypes[0]));
        } else {
            destination.activated_on = null;
        if ((!(((java.util.Date) source.getBilling_on()) == null))) {
            destination.billing_on = ""
                    + ((ma.glasnost.orika.Converter) usedConverters[0])
                                    ((java.util.Date) source.getBilling_on()),
                                    ((ma.glasnost.orika.metadata.Type) usedTypes[0]));
        } else {
            destination.billing_on = null;
        if ((!(((java.util.Date) source.getCancelled_on()) == null))) {
            destination.cancelled_on = ""
                    + ((ma.glasnost.orika.Converter) usedConverters[0])
                                    ((java.util.Date) source.getCancelled_on()),
                                    ((ma.glasnost.orika.metadata.Type) usedTypes[0]));
        } else {
            destination.cancelled_on = null;
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.getConfirmation_url()) == null))) {
            destination.confirmation_url = ""
                    + ((java.lang.String) source.getConfirmation_url());
        } else {
            destination.confirmation_url = null;
        if ((!(((java.util.Date) source.getCreated_at()) == null))) {
            destination.created_at = ""
                    + ((ma.glasnost.orika.Converter) usedConverters[0])
                                    ((java.util.Date) source.getCreated_at()),
                                    ((ma.glasnost.orika.metadata.Type) usedTypes[0]));
        } else {
            destination.created_at = null;
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.getName()) == null))) {
   = "" + ((java.lang.String) source.getName());
        } else {
   = null;
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.getPrice()) == null))) {
            destination.price = "" + ((java.lang.String) source.getPrice());
        } else {
            destination.price = null;
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.getReturn_url()) == null))) {
            destination.return_url = ""
                    + ((java.lang.String) source.getReturn_url());
        } else {
            destination.return_url = null;
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.getStatus()) == null))) {
            destination.status = "" + ((java.lang.String) source.getStatus());
        } else {
            destination.status = null;
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.getTerms()) == null))) {
            destination.terms = "" + ((java.lang.String) source.getTerms());
        } else {
            destination.terms = null;
        destination.test = ""
                + ((ma.glasnost.orika.Converter) usedConverters[0])
                                java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(((boolean) source
                                ((ma.glasnost.orika.metadata.Type) usedTypes[0]));
        destination.trial_days = ""
                + ((ma.glasnost.orika.Converter) usedConverters[0]).convert(
                                .valueOf(((int) source.getTrial_days())),
                        ((ma.glasnost.orika.metadata.Type) usedTypes[0]));
        if ((!(((java.util.Date) source.getTrial_ends_on()) == null))) {
            destination.trial_ends_on = ""
                    + ((ma.glasnost.orika.Converter) usedConverters[0])
                                    ((java.util.Date) source.getTrial_ends_on()),
                                    ((ma.glasnost.orika.metadata.Type) usedTypes[0]));
        } else {
            destination.trial_ends_on = null;
        if ((!(((java.util.Date) source.getUpdated_at()) == null))) {
            destination.updated_at = ""
                    + ((ma.glasnost.orika.Converter) usedConverters[0])
                                    ((java.util.Date) source.getUpdated_at()),
                                    ((ma.glasnost.orika.metadata.Type) usedTypes[0]));
        } else {
            destination.updated_at = null;
        if (customMapper != null) {
            customMapper.mapAtoB(source, destination, mappingContext);

    public void mapBtoA(java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b,
            ma.glasnost.orika.MappingContext mappingContext) {

        super.mapBtoA(a, b, mappingContext);

        de.shopify.api.model.ShopifyRecurringApplicationCharge.ShopifyRecurringApplicationChargeInner source = ((de.shopify.api.model.ShopifyRecurringApplicationCharge.ShopifyRecurringApplicationChargeInner) a);
        de.dpt.persistence.PaymentPlan destination = ((de.dpt.persistence.PaymentPlan) b);

        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.activated_on) == null))) {
                    .setActivated_on(((java.util.Date) ((ma.glasnost.orika.Converter) usedConverters[1])
                                    ((java.lang.String) source.activated_on),
                                    ((ma.glasnost.orika.metadata.Type) usedTypes[1]))));
        } else {
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.billing_on) == null))) {
                    .setBilling_on(((java.util.Date) ((ma.glasnost.orika.Converter) usedConverters[1])
                                    ((java.lang.String) source.billing_on),
                                    ((ma.glasnost.orika.metadata.Type) usedTypes[1]))));
        } else {
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.cancelled_on) == null))) {
                    .setCancelled_on(((java.util.Date) ((ma.glasnost.orika.Converter) usedConverters[1])
                                    ((java.lang.String) source.cancelled_on),
                                    ((ma.glasnost.orika.metadata.Type) usedTypes[1]))));
        } else {
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.confirmation_url) == null))) {
                    + ((java.lang.String) source.confirmation_url));
        } else {
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.created_at) == null))) {
                    .setCreated_at(((java.util.Date) ((ma.glasnost.orika.Converter) usedConverters[1])
                                    ((java.lang.String) source.created_at),
                                    ((ma.glasnost.orika.metadata.Type) usedTypes[1]))));
        } else {
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) == null))) {
            destination.setName("" + ((java.lang.String);
        } else {
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.price) == null))) {
            destination.setPrice("" + ((java.lang.String) source.price));
        } else {
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.return_url) == null))) {
                    + ((java.lang.String) source.return_url));
        } else {
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.status) == null))) {
            destination.setStatus("" + ((java.lang.String) source.status));
        } else {
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.terms) == null))) {
            destination.setTerms("" + ((java.lang.String) source.terms));
        } else {
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.test) == null))) {
                                            + ((ma.glasnost.orika.Converter) usedConverters[2])
                                                            ((java.lang.String) source.test),
                                                            ((ma.glasnost.orika.metadata.Type) usedTypes[2])))
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.trial_days) == null))) {
                                            + ((ma.glasnost.orika.Converter) usedConverters[2])
                                                            ((java.lang.String) source.trial_days),
                                                            ((ma.glasnost.orika.metadata.Type) usedTypes[3])))
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.trial_ends_on) == null))) {
                    .setTrial_ends_on(((java.util.Date) ((ma.glasnost.orika.Converter) usedConverters[1])
                                    ((java.lang.String) source.trial_ends_on),
                                    ((ma.glasnost.orika.metadata.Type) usedTypes[1]))));
        } else {
        if ((!(((java.lang.String) source.updated_at) == null))) {
                    .setUpdated_at(((java.util.Date) ((ma.glasnost.orika.Converter) usedConverters[1])
                                    ((java.lang.String) source.updated_at),
                                    ((ma.glasnost.orika.metadata.Type) usedTypes[1]))));
        } else {
        if (customMapper != null) {
            customMapper.mapBtoA(source, destination, mappingContext);



  • I have finally realized that the problem does not lie within Orika, but my implementation of PaymentPlanMapper and the inappropriate design pattern of enum-singleton.

    The result was

    • PaymentPlannerMapper was never initialized
    • My custom mapping was never registered at MapperFactory
    • Okira has automatically generated a mapper for PaymentPlan/ShopifyRecurring... on the fly when was called

    The automatic generation by Orika made my own mistake very hard for me to detect, because most of the things orika was doing looked good.

    I have only realized what was wrong, when debugging the auto-generated mapper ('Orika_ShopifyRecurringApplicationCharge_PaymentPlan_Mapper7011935565727$0') and finding the attribute 'fromAutoMapping' being TRUE. So, for similar problems it makes sense to take a look into the generated mapper sources.

    Debug generated mappers

    In order to enable the sources and the debugging for the generated mappers, I have used the sections 'Enable step-debugging' and 'Generate Source and/or Class Files.' in Orika Documentation.

    The documentation basically translates to calling the following code at application start:


    Correct mapper

    I have now replaced my mapper with ..

    public class PaymentPlanMapper {
        private PaymentPlanMapper()  {
            ShopifyBaseMapper.factory.classMap(PaymentPlan.class, ShopifyRecurringApplicationCharge.class)

    .. using Spring instead of the Enum-Singleton pattern.