I have MySQL tables like these and I would like to calculate the TOP10 for each genre:
I would like to get TOP10 rankings for each genre, for every track and for every artist.
A track or an artist could have up to 2 genres. Ranking could be the same. Just to get the idea with LIMIT 2:
genreId | trackId | ranking
0 1111 100
0 2222 99
1 1111 100
1 2222 99
genreId | artistId | ranking
0 1111 100
0 2222 99
1 1111 100
1 2222 99
The only solution I found is getting everything in a table and then LIMIT 10 in the page, but it's killing my database in terms of size (I have limited resources).
For the tracks I wrote this:
SELECT trackId, genreId, @newRank := SUM(ranking) as ranking
FROM rankings_2016
WHERE timestamp >= ( select unix_timestamp('2016-01-01') )
AND timestamp <= ( select unix_timestamp('2016-12-31') )
GROUP BY trackId, genreId
For the artists:
SELECT artistId, genreId, @newRank := SUM(a1.ranking) as ranking
FROM rankings_2016 a1
LEFT JOIN artists_tracks a2
ON a1.trackId = a2.trackId
WHERE timestamp >= ( select unix_timestamp('2016-01-01') )
AND timestamp <= ( select unix_timestamp('2016-12-31') )
GROUP BY artistId, genreId
Thank all in advance for your hints.
The logic in general (and accepted reply) requires good indexes and performant server.
ARTISTS in my case failed with error 500 unless I increased CPU. In general replacing LEFT with INNER saves 1 second.
Consider a correlated count subquery to rank order the rankings by Artist / Track / Genre groupings. Then use this rank calculated column in outer query to filter for top 10 per grouping:
Artist Ranking (top 10 rankings per artist and genre)
SELECT main.artistId, main.genreId, main.ranking
SELECT a.artistId, r.genreId, r.ranking,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rankings_2016 subr
LEFT JOIN artists_tracks suba ON subr.trackId = suba.trackId
WHERE suba.artistId = a.artistId
AND subr.genreId = r.genreId
AND subr.ranking >= r.ranking) AS rn
FROM rankings_2016 r
LEFT JOIN artists_tracks a ON r.trackId = a.trackId
WHERE r.timestamp BETWEEN ( select unix_timestamp('2016-01-01') )
AND ( select unix_timestamp('2016-12-31') )
) AS main
WHERE main.rn <= 10
Track Ranking (top 10 rankings per track and genre)
SELECT main.trackId, main.genreId, main.ranking
SELECT r.trackId, r.genreId, r.ranking,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rankings_2016 subr
WHERE subr.genreId = r.genreId
AND subr.trackId = r.trackId
AND subr.ranking >= r.ranking) AS rn
FROM rankings_2016 r
WHERE r.timestamp BETWEEN ( select unix_timestamp('2016-01-01') )
AND ( select unix_timestamp('2016-12-31') )
) AS main
WHERE main.rn <= 10