Let's say we create a simple function
> function foo() { return 0; }
We could either call it directly
> foo();
> 0
Or we could call it using the Function.prototype.call() method
> foo.call({}); // Using empty object as this arg
> 0
So far so good. Now here is where things get strange. We can always assign a function to a variable in javascript, and call it under a new name
> var x = foo;
> x();
> 0
However, if we try the same thing with Function.prototype.call() we get an error
> var x = foo.call;
> x({});
> Uncaught TypeError: x is not a function
I imagine it has something to do with how the prototype chain works in javascript. Could someone explain to me the problem here?
When you grab the reference to the call
var x = foo.call;
It does not carry over the context
. In order to get this to work, you need to bind
the context to call
function foo() { return 0; }
var x = foo.call.bind(foo);
x(); //0
This can also be accomplished by binding after the creation of x
function foo() { return 0; }
var x = foo.call;
x.bind(foo)(); //0