I'm currently trying to follow the Slingbucks tutorial within this README.
I've gone through the step of building the Sling source code. When I build the Slingbucks project, I see that the bundle exists within the Felix container when I go to system/console. But when I try following the next step of going to http://localhost:8080/content/slingbucks/public/orders.html, I get a 404 error. I'm running this on Windows and I'm using Java 8 and Maven 3.3.9. Any help for resolving this will be greatly appreciated.
Edit: Yes, the bundle is in the active state
Edit: So now I've run into a new issue, where after I go through the steps of submitting an order, I have no confirmed orders under slingbucks/private/confirmed.html. I just see a page with the title "Confirmed Orders" with no order's underneath it. Also, I get a 403 error when I try and access /content/slingbucks/readonly/options/fields, but this is less of an issue for me.
I was able to get it working. I used the sling standalone application and the slingbucks project from the source code download. Ran the build and it worked.