I am testing an angular service using karma/jasmine and one of my service functions is as follows. I need to get coverage to 100%, but can't seem to figure out how to test both success and error cases..
function getAccount(accountId) {
var defer = $q.defer(), myService;
myService = Restangular.all('Some/Url/Path');
myService.get('', {}, {
'header-info': 'bla'
.then(function onSuccess(response) {
}, function onError() {
return defer.promise;
In my corresponding .spec test file, I have:
it('should succeed in getting account', function() {
httpBackend.whenGET('Some/Url/Path').respond(200, mockResponse);
var promise = myServices.getAccount('account123');
promise.then(function(response) {
it('should error out in getting account', function() {
httpBackend.whenGET('Some/Url/Path').respond(500, '');
var promise = myServices.getAccount('account123');
promise.then(function() {
Right now, both cases "pass", but I'm not getting the branch coverage for the onError case. Something seems fishy about the onSuccess case passing too.
Basically I am asking what is the correct syntax and way of writing the test cases such that I can hit both success and on error cases when I make a 200 and a 500 call to my API
Since you don't have any calls to $http
in your service, I would recommend mocking Restangular
instead of using httpBackend
. This way your test doesn't have to know anything about the implementation details of Restangular
, other than what it returns, just like your service.
Mock example:
var Restangular = {
all: function() {
return {
get: function() {
restangularDeferred = $q.defer();
return restangularDeferred.promise;
Now you can easily either resolve or reject restangularDeferred
depending on what you want to test.
Set up your module to use the mock:
module('myApp', function($provide) {
$provide.value('Restangular', Restangular);
Example test of success case:
it('success', function() {
// If you want you can still spy on the mock
spyOn(Restangular, 'all').and.callThrough();
var mockResponse = {};
var promise = myServices.getAccount('account123');
promise.then(function(response) {
// Trigger the digest loop and resolution of promise callbacks
Example test of error case:
it('error', function() {
spyOn(anotherService, 'someMethodCall');
var mockResponse = {};
Note that I moved someMethodCall
into anotherService
in the example.