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Computed properties in controller in Ember

I'm a raw beginner with Ember. The app is a sleep tracker. What I'm trying to build right now is the average number of hours slept and napped, over the past N days.

To calculate the average, I believe I want to add a computed property on the controller. I don't have a model yet, because the app is so raw.

Here is my current code:

// app/routes/home.js
import Ember from 'ember';

let events = [
    "dow": 5,
    "durationInSeconds": 29280,
    "endAt": 1471087260000,
    "startAt": 1471057980000,
    "timezone": "America/Montreal"
  { ... }

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  model() {
    return events.sortBy("startAt").reverse();

// app/controllers/home.js
import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  averageNapDuration() {
    console.log("model: %o", this.get('model'));
    return 0;

  averageNightDuration() {
    // TODO

// app/templates/home.hbs
      <td scope="row" colspan="3">Average nap</td>
      <td class="duration">{{format-duration averageNapDuration}}</td>
      <td scope="row" colspan="3">Average night</td>
      <td class="duration">{{format-duration 22680}}</td>

My format-duration helper function does a console.log of the received values. When it's time to display the average, format-duration receives a function instead of a value.

I also failed to see the console.log call in the controller.

In the Handlebars template, I tried using:

{{format-duration averageNapDuration() }}

but this returns a syntax error:

Error: Parse error on line 48:
...">{{format-duration averageNapDuration()

As another test, I changed my controller to use a computed property:

averageNapDuration: Ember.computed.sum('@each.durationInSeconds')

This time, the format-duration says it received 0, which indicates to me, that the template is at least talking to the controller correctly.

Where can I find examples of computed properties on filtered arrays? What must I change in the code above to calculate the sum of an integer?


  • This throws parse error.

    {{format-duration averageNapDuration() }}

    You can't call function in helper arguments. the below will work fine.

    {{format-duration averageNapDuration }}

    Your controller would be like,

    import Ember from 'ember';
    export default Ember.Controller.extend({
        averageNapDuration: Ember.computed('model', function() {
            console.log("model: %o", this.get('model'));
            //You can calculate avg nap duration and return the result
            return 0;
        //this computed property will be called for every durationInSeconds property changes
        averageNightDuration: Ember.computed('model.@each.durationInSeconds', function() {
            //You can calculate avg night slepp duration and return the result

    If we use the dependant key as model.[] then computed property will be called for every time event is added/removed and changed to brand new different array.

    If we use the dependant key as model.@each.durationInSeconds then computed property will be called for every time durationInSeconds property changes and also for every event time event is added/removed to model. and entire model property is changed to brand new different array.

    Ember guides link for computed properties and Computed Properties and Aggregate Data will explain better.