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Jackson Mapping List of String or simple String

I'm trying to get some Json from an API and parse them into some POJO's to work with them but i have this case where i can get for a key a simple String or an arrayList of Strings.

The Json looks like this :

  "offerDisplayCategoryMapping": [
      "offerKey": "EUICC_BASE_ACTIVATION_V01",
      "categoriesKeys": {
        "categoryKey": "Included"
      "offerKey": "EUICC_BASE_ACTIVATION_V02",
      "categoriesKeys": {
        "categoryKey": "Included"
      "offerKey": "EUICC_BASE_ACTIVATION_V03",
      "categoriesKeys": {
        "categoryKey": [

I'm using Spring Rest to get the result from the API. I created a POJO that represents categoriesKeys with a List<String> that defines categoryKey and in my RestTemplate I defined an ObjectMapper where i enabled DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY for the case of simple strings but this doesn't work!!

Any suggestions?


  • In addition to global configuration already mentioned, it is also possible to support this on individual properties:

    public class Container {
      @JsonFormat(with = JsonFormat.Feature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY)
      // ... could also add Feature.WRITE_SINGLE_ELEM_ARRAYS_UNWRAPPED
      public List<String> tags;