Search code examples

Find the last actual reported quarter

I'm trying to find the last actual reported quarter and it's accompanying display value. The criteria is the @clientsDescription or @displayName has to EPS. Here's what my JSON string looks like:

    "?xml": {
        "@version": "1.0",
        "@encoding": "UTF-8"
    "DataFeed": {
        "@FeedName": "issuerDetails",
        "SecurityDetails": {
            "Security": {
                "@sequence": "850",
                "TimesSeriesList": [{
                        "@description": "EPS",
                        "@clientsDescription": "EPS",
                        "FinancialValue": [{
                                "@displayRank": "850",
                                "@estimateActual": "Actual",
                                "@period": "Q1",
                                "@periodEnd": "2015-9-30T00:00:00.00",
                                "@displayName": "EPS",
                                "CurrentValue": {
                                    "@displayValue": "$0.19"
                            }, {
                                "@displayRank": "850",
                                "@estimateActual": "Actual",
                                "@period": "Q2",
                                "@periodEnd": "2015-12-31T00:00:00.00",
                                "@displayName": "EPS",
                                "CurrentValue": {
                                    "@displayValue": "$0.26"
                            }, {
                                "@displayRank": "850",
                                "@estimateActual": "Actual",
                                "@period": "Q3",
                                "@periodEnd": "2015-3-31T00:00:00.00",
                                "@displayName": "EPS",
                                "CurrentValue": {
                                    "@displayValue": "$0.34"
                            }, {
                                "@displayRank": "850",
                                "@estimateActual": "Estimate",
                                "@period": "Q4",
                                "@periodEnd": "2015-6-30T00:00:00.00",
                                "@displayName": "EPS",
                                "CurrentValue": {
                                    "@displayValue": "$0.32"
                            }, {
                                "@displayRank": "850",
                                "@estimateActual": "Estimate",
                                "@period": "Annual",
                                "@periodEnd": "2015-6-30T00:00:00.00",
                                "@displayName": "EPS",
                                "CurrentValue": {
                                    "@displayValue": "$1.11"

Here's what json classes looks like:

public static class JsonExtensions
    public static IEnumerable<JToken> DescendantsAndSelf(this JToken node)
        if (node == null)
            return Enumerable.Empty<JToken>();
        var container = node as JContainer;
        if (container != null)
            return container.DescendantsAndSelf();
            return new[] { node };

    public static IEnumerable<JObject> ObjectsOrSelf(this JToken root)
        if (root is JObject)
            yield return (JObject)root;
        else if (root is JContainer)
            foreach (var item in ((JContainer)root).Children())
                foreach (var child in item.ObjectsOrSelf())
                    yield return child;
            yield break;

    public static IEnumerable<JToken> SingleOrMultiple(this JToken source)
        if (source == null)
            return Enumerable.Empty<JToken>();
        IEnumerable<JToken> arr = source as JArray;
        return arr ?? new[] { source };

Since someone asked for the original XML, here it is:

<DataFeed FeedName="issuerDetails">
<SecurityDetails minDisplayYear="2014" maxDisplayYear="2020">
<Security sequence="900" primaryIndicator="No">
<TimesSeriesList description="EPS" clientsDescription="EPS" id="1" qualifier="--" currencyName="CAD" currencySymbol="C$" fiscalId="1" fiscalCalendar="Fiscal" qualifierId="0">
<FinancialValue displayRank="900" estimateActual="Actual" period="Q1" periodEnd="2015-12-31T00:00:00.00" displayName="EPS">
<CurrentValue displayValue="$0.45">0.4502</CurrentValue>
<FinancialValue displayRank="900" estimateActual="Actual" period="Q2" periodEnd="2015-3-31T00:00:00.00" displayName="EPS">
<CurrentValue displayValue="$0.43">0.43</CurrentValue>
<FinancialValue displayRank="900" estimateActual="Actual" period="Q3" periodEnd="2015-6-30T00:00:00.00" displayName="EPS">
<CurrentValue displayValue="$0.64">0.64</CurrentValue>
<FinancialValue displayRank="900" estimateActual="Estimate" period="Q4" periodEnd="2015-9-30T00:00:00.00" displayName="EPS">
<CurrentValue displayValue="$0.52">0.52</CurrentValue>
<FinancialValue displayRank="900" estimateActual="Estimate" period="Annual" periodEnd="2015-9-30T00:00:00.00" displayName="EPS">
<CurrentValue displayValue="$2.03">2.0325</CurrentValue>
<FinancialValue displayRank="900" estimateActual="Estimate" period="Q1" periodEnd="2016-12-31T00:00:00.00" displayName="EPS">
<CurrentValue displayValue="$0.56">0.56</CurrentValue>

Here's what my code looks like for the JSON feed:

from securityDetail in jsonFeed
    .SelectMany(i => i.ObjectsOrSelf())
let metric = securityDetail
     .Select(t => (string)t)
where metric.Equals("EPS") && metric != null
let finValues = securityDetail.SelectTokens("FinancialValue")
    .SelectMany(d => d.ObjectsOrSelf())
orderby finValues.SelectToken("@periodEnd") descending  // <-- getting a error here
orderby finValues.SelectToken("@period") descending
select new 
    LastRptQtr = string.format("{0}{1}",
                .SelectToken("@periodEnd").FirstOrDefault()).Substring(0, 4),
        DispVal = finValues

In the end, I need:

LastRptQtr = "2015Q3"
DispVal = "$0.34"

I'm getting the following error:

'IEnumerable<JObject>' does not contain a definition for 'SelectToken' 
and no extension method 'SelectToken' accepting a first argument of 
type 'IEnumerable<JObject>' could be found

What am I doing wrong?


  • Classical XY problem

    if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. You don't need to convert your original xml to json. Working on original xml will be simpler.

    Using Linq2Xml + Xpath

    var xDoc = XDocument.Parse(xmlstring);
    var elements = xDoc.XPathSelectElements("//*[@periodEnd and (@clientsDescription='EPS' or @displayName='EPS')]")
                    .OrderBy(x => (DateTime)x.Attribute("periodEnd"))
                    .Select(x=>new {
                        PeriodEnd = (DateTime)x.Attribute("periodEnd"),
                        DispVal = (string)x.Element("CurrentValue").Attribute("displayValue")