I'm having some issue with the compiler on this SFINAE. Looks like it doesn't resolve the template before raising this error. Here is the code:
template<typename Sig, typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<Sig>::value>::type>
class GLFunction { /* class def... */ };
template<typename FP, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_pointer<FP>::value>::type>
class GLFunction { /* class def... */ };
Do you know how I can achieve this?
Read the error, it tells you what's wrong: you can't redefine a default argument, you must only provide it once.
What are you trying to do? Why have you defined the same template twice? Is one of them meant to be a partial specialization?
Why can't you just do it the simple way, like this?
// Primary template, with default argument:
template <typename Sig, bool = std::is_pointer<Sig>::value>
class GLFunction { /* class def... */ };
// Partial specialization used for pointers:
template <typename FP>
class GLFunction<FP, true> { /* class def... */ };