I see a lot of examples explaining how to write assignment operators/ copy constructors for objects, but, I struggle when it comes to object pointers. An example code is attached.
I would the test2(test1) to invoke the copy constructor, but it does not seem to invoke the user specified copy constructor.
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
template <class fd>
class node
// private:
std::vector <fd> data_point;
std::shared_ptr< node <fd> > left;
std::shared_ptr< node <fd> > right;
bool collision;
// public:
node(std::vector <fd> &data, bool level=0);
node(const node <fd> &old);
void check_point();
template <class fd>
node <fd>::node(std::vector <fd> &data, bool level)
if (level) throw std::invalid_argument( "Error->Duplicate data" );
data_point = data;
left = nullptr;
right = nullptr;
collision = level;
template <class fd>
node <fd>::~node() {}
template <class fd>
node <fd>::node(const node <fd> &old)
std::cout<<"Copy constructor called"<<std::endl;
// this->data_point = old.data_point;
// this->left = new node <fd> (old.left);
// this->right = new node <fd> (old.right);
// this->collision = old.collision;
template <class fd>
void node <fd>::check_point()
if (this == nullptr)
std::cout<<"It's a leaf node with None"<<std::endl;
for (int dim=0; dim<this->data_point.size(); dim++)
std::cout<<data_point[dim]<<" ";
int main()
std::vector <double> data;
data = {50};
std::shared_ptr <node <double> > test1 = std::make_shared <node <double> > (data);
// std::cout << typeid(test1).name() << std::endl;
test1->check_point();//Prints 50.Expected
std::shared_ptr <node <double> > test2(test1);//Expecting copyconstructor call for deep copy
test1->data_point = {75};//Changing value
test2->check_point();//If deep copy happened, value would not change. Default copy constructor does not shallow copy and hence value does not change.
return 0;
It would be great if you could explain how this is to be done.
Minimal change to trigger the use of the copy constructor in the above program:
//std::shared_ptr <node <double> > test2(test1);//Expecting copyconstructor call for deep copy
std::shared_ptr <node <double> > test2 = std::make_shared <node <double> >(*test1);
The new line will dereference the pointer of test1
and pass it to the constructor constructing test2
thereby invoking the copy constructor.
New output:
Copy constructor called