Who can tell to me how to create a 2 separate applications: rails backend and Angular 2 frontend and config the data exchange between it. Rails app need to work as a json api. How Angular 2 understand recieved data from rails and how we can send the concrete data to concrete component?
Please some links, articles and so on.
Thank you so much!
The Server
I'm not an expert in the field of ruby, but this tutorial looked good to me: https://www.codementor.io/ruby-on-rails/tutorial/creating-simple-api-with-rails
The Client
Angular 2 belongs more to my strengths: Follow up to the official tutorial from google to develope an angular2 app. here is the link: https://angular.io/guide/quickstart If you really understand how that starter-tutorial works, you might use a quick-start npm package for a faster start. Be warned! You only use a quick-start package, if you understand the plain way angular 2 should be installed!
The Clients API engine
For the API queries between your client (angular2) and your server (ruby) use this tutorial: https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/server-communication.html
I would recommend you to develope only with TypeScript. Dont use EcmaScript (JavaScript) for your client! All the tutorials and the whole community are real hardcore typescript fanatics, so don't even try to convert them :D Just follow them! (To explain why, would take me another post...)
Good luck and have a nice start!