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Couchbase nested objects Type

I'm trying to find out the best way to get the type of a nested object in a couchbase document.

I have this document :

  "storeType": {
    "name": "Store"
  "name": "Store",
  "_class": "common.domain.Store",
  "categories": [
      "name": "Series",
      "displayable": false,
      "active": false,
      "highlights": [
          "name": "Spiderman",
          "active": true
          "name": "Spiderman2",
          "active": true
      "categoryId": "SERIES"
  "storeId": "STORE::10",
  "order": 1

Spring data uses _class to find out the hole document type.

My question is :

How can I find the precise type of each object in categories list?

Thx a lot


  • Found the query to make the update. We used the collection operator WITHIN : UPDATE bucket b USE KEYS "Store::1" SET = false FOR h WITHIN b.categories when h.cbHighlightId = "Highlight::1" END . Highlight is not a Document