I normally use Google Cloud Endpoints on the AppEngine (Java) , as described in :
The dependency for the endpoints library I use is :
Using this, I can start a local development server using the command: mvn clean package appengine:devserver
However, there seems to be a new version of cloud endpoints. https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/frameworks/java/quickstart-frameworks-java .
The new framework is found here
The same maven commands do not work here. I am unable to start a local dev server, open the API explorer or use a local datastore (all of which was possible earlier) . Could someone please guide me on how to work with the new framework.
Also, is the former framework likely to be deprecated ?
There are a few problems you are running into and this stuff is overly sensitive to configuration issues:
To solve the problems follow the instructions in: https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/frameworks/java/quickstart-frameworks-java
If the project id is not valid (actually exists in AppEngine) the next steps won't work
mvn exec:java -DGetSwaggerDoc
gcloud service-management deploy openapi.json
export ENDPOINTS_SERVICE_NAME=echo-api.endpoints.<your project id>.cloud.goog
The quickstart guide is not very helpful for step 5. Step 4 needs to end with a success message.
Finally the sample comes with a Maven plugin that does not seem to work with the new Endpoints. Instead of using:
The answer to the question why mvn appengine:devserver doesn't work is that the devserver target doesn't exist in the new plugin. The old Maven plugin allows you to execute: mvn appengine:devserver