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How to build and deploy war file of e4 RAP application with tycho

I have an e4 RCP product which I want to deliver a e4 RAP application for. Thus, I added a new OSGi bundle which contributes the following implementation of the org.eclipse.rap.rwt.application.ApplicationConfiguration interface, which is declared in the contribution.xml in OSGI-INF folder:

public class BasicApplication implements ApplicationConfiguration {

    public void configure(Application application) {
        Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>();
        properties.put(WebClient.PAGE_TITLE, "My RAP Application");
        Bundle bundle = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(my.package.E4LifeCycle.class);
        String symbolicName = bundle.getSymbolicName();
        String appXmiLocation = "platform:/plugin/" + symbolicName + "/Application.e4xmi";
        String lifeCycleLocation = "bundleclass://" + symbolicName + "/" + my.package.E4LifeCycle.class.getName();
        E4ApplicationConfig applicationConfig = E4ApplicationConfig.create(appXmiLocation, lifeCycleLocation);
        E4EntryPointFactory entryPointFactory = new E4EntryPointFactory(applicationConfig);
        application.addEntryPoint("/myapp", entryPointFactory, properties);


Following the example here, I created a new feature bundle including the required plugins and depending on all the required eclipse-related plugins/features (e4, rap, rwt, osgi, ...). It contains this pom.xml:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""







Where the referred assembly.xml looks like this:

<assembly xmlns=""

For completeness, here is the parent's pom.xml:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""









In templates/WEB-INF I placed the web.xml and the launch.ini which was generated by the WAR products tool. The web.xml looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN" "">
<web-app id="WebApp">
  <servlet id="bridge">  
    <display-name>Equinox Bridge Servlet</display-name>
    <description>Equinox Bridge Servlet</description>

    <!-- Framework Controls could be useful for testing purpose, but
         we disable it per default -->

    <!-- Enable multi-language support for the extension registry -->
    <!-- the OSGi console is useful for trouble shooting but will fill up your 
         appserver log quickly, so deactivate on production use. Uncomment
         the -console parameter to enabled OSGi console access.  -->
      <param-value>-registryMultiLanguage <!-- -console --></param-value>     




whereas the launch.ini is the following:

# Eclipse Runtime Configuration Overrides
# These properties are loaded prior to starting the framework and can also be used to override System Properties
# @null is a special value used to override and clear the framework's copy of a System Property prior to starting the framework
# "*" can be used together with @null to clear System Properties that match a prefix name. 



The build succeeds and a war file is generated. I placed it in the webapps dir of my Tomcat and it is unzipped automatically. But when I point my browser to http: //localhost:8080/my-app-rap I just get a 404. So I assume some configuration of which starting point to use is missing somewhere. Can you help me to figure this out?


  • Try to change the address you're trying to access to: http: //localhost:8080/<.war file.>//myapp