Do you guys know how to upload PDF Files directly to a Firebase Project Storage? I searched a lot on the Internet but I found nothing.
Are there some librarys for C#? Or is there any Documentation for C# and Firebase?
Please help guys! Thanks
Ok I found a library: FirebaseSharp.
But this Lib only supports previous versions of Firebase and doesnt have Storage Support either.
Try library.
Here's a sample usage:
// Get any Stream - it can be FileStream, MemoryStream or any other type of Stream
var stream = File.Open(@"C:\Users\you\file.png", FileMode.Open);
// Construct FirebaseStorage, path to where you want to upload the file and Put it there
var task = new FirebaseStorage("")
// Track progress of the upload
task.Progress.ProgressChanged += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine($"Progress: {e.Percentage} %");
// await the task to wait until upload completes and get the download url
var downloadUrl = await task;
There is also a related blog post.