I'm struggling with this for a long time, so any help would be appreciated.
I have a common library myCommonLib
which has a dependency that I need to shade with sbt-assembly
When I publish it to my local Ivy repo, I get 2 versions, a "normal" one (as usual), and a shaded one (with all dependencies bundled), with "-assembly" appended, of course.
The problem is when I use my "normal" dependency, I get NoClassDefFoundError
that refers to shaded version!!!
I tried to remove it completely from classpath like this:
dependencyClasspath in Runtime := {
val allFiles: Seq[Attributed[File]] = (dependencyClasspath in Runtime).value
but it doesn't work, still the same error.
However, when I remove it (comment out) from the Ivy XML it does work:
<artifact name="myCommonLib_2.11" type="jar" ext="jar" conf="compile,runtime,test,provided,optional,sources,docs,pom" e:classifier="assembly"/>
What am I missing?
I've managed to make it work, for now...
It seems to work when I specify the exact artifact, like this:
val myCommonLibArtifact = Artifact(
name="myCommonLib", `type`="jar", extension="jar", classifier=None,
configurations=Seq(Compile), url=None, extraAttributes=Map())
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"ba.sake" %% "myCommonLib" % "0.0.1" artifacts (myCommonLibArtifact)