I am trying to solve a system of multivariate equations, which are the result of some Java code. Neither the form, nor the number of variables is known before runtime. An example would be
(I) (e-a*d*e-b*d*e+2*b*d*f+2*b*d*e*g)/(-1+a*d+b*d)+f == 0
(II) e*g+((f+e*g)*a*d)/(-1+a*d+b*d)==0
(III) -e*h+((-f-e*g)*d)/(-1+a*d+b*d)==0
(IV) -e*j+((-f-e*g)*c)/(-1+a*d+b*d)==0
I tried using Symja, which simply returns the input, and SymPy, which throws an Error
ZeroDivisionError: polynomial division
The variables are all from the interval [0,1], and I need all solutions. Mathematica is able to solve this, but as it is commercial software I unfortunately cannot use it in this project.
I would be grateful for any recommendations on which software to use. I really would have liked SymPy to work, and I don't understand why it throws this error, ideas are appreciated. Below a MWE to the SymPy Error:
from sympy.solvers import solve
from sympy.abc import a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,j
lst = a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,j
sys = [(e-a*d*e-b*d*e+2*b*d*f+2*b*d*e*g)/(-1+a*d+b*d)+f,e*g+((f+e*g)*a*d)/(-1+a*d+b*d),-e*h+((-f-e*g)*d)/(-1+a*d+b*d),-e*j+((-f-e*g)*c)/(-1+a*d+b*d)]
solution = solve(sys, lst)
print solution
The Mathematica version is:
eqn = {(e - a*d*e - b*d*e + 2*b*d*f + 2*b*d*e*g)/(-1 + a*d + b*d) + f == 0, e*g + ((f + e*g)*a*d)/(-1 + a*d + b*d) == 0, -e*h + ((-f - e*g)*d)/(-1 + a*d + b*d) == 0, -e*j + ((-f - e*g)*c)/(-1 + a*d + b*d) == 0};
Simplify[Solve[eqn, {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j}]]
{{e -> 0, f -> 0},
{c -> (1 - 2 a d - 3 b d) j, f -> ((-1 + 2 a d + b d) e)/(-1 + 2 a d + 3 b d), g -> (a d)/(1 - 2 a d - 3 b d), h -> d/(1 - 2 a d - 3 b d)},
{a -> 0, c -> j - 3 b d j, f -> ((-1 + b d) e)/(-1 + 3 b d), g -> 0, h -> d/(1 - 3 b d)},
{a -> (1 - b d)/(2 d), c -> -2 b d j, f -> 0, g -> 1/4 - 1/(4 b d), h -> -(1/(2 b))}}
Ok, I was able to solve the problem myself using SAGE, with gives the same output as Mathematica.
sage: a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,j = var('a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,j')
sage: qe = [(e-a*d*e-b*d*e+2*b*d*f+2*b*d*e*g)+f*(-1+a*d+b*d),e*g*(-1+a*d+b*d)+((f+e*g)*a*d),-e*h*(-1+a*d+b*d)+((-f-e*g)*d),-e*j*(-1+a*d+b*d)+((-f-e*g)*c)]
sage: print(solve(qe,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,j, solution_dict=True))
Gives the output
[{g: r5, j: r7, b: r2, d: r4, e: 0, h: r6, c: r3, f: 0, a: r1},
{g: r12, j: r14, b: r8, d: r10, e: r11, h: r13, c: r9, f: -r11*r12, a: -(r10*r8 - 1)/r10},
{g: r15*r18, j: r19, b: -1/6*(4*r15*r16*r18 - r16 + 3*r17)*(4*r15*r16*r18^2/(4*r15*r16*r18 - r16 + 3*r17) + 2*r16*r18/(4*r15*r16*r18 - r16 + 3*r17) - r18)/(r16*r18^2), d: 2*r16*r18/(4*r15*r16*r18 - r16 + 3*r17), e: r16, h: r18, c: 2*r16*r19/(4*r15*r16*r18 - r16 + 3*r17), f: r17, a: r15},
{g: r20*r23, j: 0, b: -1/6*(4*r20*r21*r23 - r21 + 3*r22)*(4*r20*r21*r23^2/(4*r20*r21*r23 - r21 + 3*r22) + 2*r21*r23/(4*r20*r21*r23 - r21 + 3*r22) - r23)/(r21*r23^2), d: 2*r21*r23/(4*r20*r21*r23 - r21 + 3*r22), e: r21, h: r23, c: 0, f: r22, a: r20},
{g: -2*r24*r27 - 1, j: 0, b: r24, d: r25, e: r26, h: r27, c: 0, f: 2*r24*r26*r27 + r26, a: -(r24*r25 - 1)/r25},
{g: 0, j: r30, b: r29, d: 0, e: r31, h: 0, c: r30, f: r31, a: r28},
{g: 0, j: 0, b: r33, d: 0, e: r34, h: 0, c: 0, f: r34, a: r32},
{g: -1, j: 0, b: 0, d: r35, e: r36, h: r37, c: 0, f: r36, a: 1/r35},
{g: r40, j: 0, b: 0, d: r38, e: r39, h: 2*r38*r40 + r38, c: 0, f: r39, a: r40/(2*r38*r40 + r38)},
{g: -1/2, j: 0, b: -1/2*(r41 - r42)/(r41*r43), d: -2/3*r41*r43/(r41 - r42), e: r41, h: r43, c: 0, f: r42, a: -1/2/r43}]