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filter list on inverse relationship

I struggle a bit today, taking the example given on RealmSwift documentation, what I am trying to do is find the query that will allow me to get the dogs (from the dog object) who only have at least one owner.

class Person: Object {
    // ... other property declarations
    let dogs = List<Dog>()

class Dog: Object {
    dynamic var name = ""
    dynamic var age = 0
    let owners = LinkingObjects(fromType: Person.self, property: "dogs")

I have this basic method :

public class func getDogs() -> Results<Dog>? {
    do {
        let aRealm = try Realm()
        let dogs = aRealm.objects(Dog.self).filter("ANY owners != nil")
        return dogs
    } catch {
    return nil

but it fails so I assume my query is incorrect, though I failed to find any documentation on this, any insight would be much appreciated.


  • You can use the aggregate expression, @count. The following query filters dogs that have at lease more than one owner.

    let dogs = aRealm.objects(Dog.self).filter("owners.@count > 0")

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