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"Connection refused" Autobahn Android to Java EE Endpoint

I have a Java EE Endpoint set up on a Payara server to which I attempt to connect an Android client using Autobahn WebSockets. I have the following setup:

My WebSocket Endpoint on the server:

public class CommunicationSocket extends Endpoint {

   public void onOpen(Session aSession, EndpointConfig aConfig) {
      aSession.addMessageHandler(new MessageHandler.Whole<byte[]>() {
         public void onMessage(byte[] aMessage) {
            // Do something fun

I register the WebSocket as such:

public class RegisterSocket implements ServerApplicationConfig {

   public Set<ServerEndpointConfig> getEndpointConfigs(
           Set<Class<? extends Endpoint>> aEndpointClasses) {
       Set<ServerEndpointConfig> result = new HashSet<>();
       for (Class endpointClass : aEndpointClasses) {
          if (endpointClass.equals(CommunicationSocket.class)) {
             ServerEndpointConfig sec
                       = ServerEndpointConfig.Builder.create(endpointClass,
       return result;

   public Set<Class<?>> getAnnotatedEndpointClasses(
           Set<Class<?>> aScanned) {
      return Collections.emptySet();


The WebSocket can now be reached att ws://localhost:46588/Server/WebSocket. I've confirmed that it works with the following javascript in chrome:

function WebSocketTest() {
   if ("WebSocket" in window) {
      ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:46588/Server/WebSocket");

      ws.onopen = function() {
         ws.send("Message to send");
            alert("Message is sent...");

      ws.onmessage = function (evt) { 
              var received_msg =;
              alert("Message is received... \n" + received_msg);

   } else {
      // The browser doesn't support WebSocket
      alert("WebSocket NOT supported by your Browser!");

However when I try to connect with my android client using autobahn, the socket closes without being able to establish a connection with the message "Connection refused". I use the following code in onCreate to connect (mSocket is a field of the activity class):

WebSocketHandler messageHandler = new WebSocketHandler() {
   public void onOpen() {

   public void onClose(int code, String reason) {
      System.out.println("Socket closing: " + reason);
      mSocket = null;

   public void onTextMessage(String payload) {
      System.out.println("Received: " + payload);

   public void onBinaryMessage(byte[] payload) {
      System.out.println("Message received: " + payload);          

mSocket = new WebSocketConnection();
try {
   String address = "ws://localhost:46588/Server/WebSocket";
   mSocket.connect(address, messageHandler);
} catch (WebSocketException e) {
   System.out.println("Could not connect to WebSocket: " 
           + e.getMessage());
   mSocket = null;

I have internet permissions i my manifest as so:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET">

Is there anything in my code or approach that is wrong? Is it possible to log/catch the event of connecting (handshake or what not) in order to shed light onto why the connection is refused?


  • And as I got ready to post the question I googled one last time: lo and behold, localhost is not the localhost of the machine running the emulator (I guess it's the localhost of the emulated device). So use:[port] 

    instead of


    and it will be fine on the emulator (don't forget to change if running on an actual device)