I've got simple video stream working via getUserMedia, but I would like to handle case when webCam what i'm streaming from becomes disconnected or unavailable. So I've found oninactive
event on stream
object passed to successCallback
function. Also I would like to restart video stream when exactly same webcam/mediaDevice will be plugged in.
Code example:
navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia;
navigator.getUserMedia(constrains, function successCallback(stream) {
this.video.src = URL.createObjectURL(stream);
stream.oninactive = function (error) {
//this handler runs when device becomes unavailable.
this.onStreamInactive(error, stream);
}.bind(this), function errorCallback () {});
Based on the example above how i can:
A better way would be to use MediaDevices.ondevicechange()
as mentioned in the other answer in this thread, but it is still behind a flag on Chrome. Instead of using ondevicechange()
to enumerate devices, poll MediaDevices.enumerateDevices()
at regular interval when you start the call, at end of every poll interval compare the list of devices you get from the devices in the previous poll. This way you can know the new devices added/remove during the call.