In Coq, sig
is defined as
Inductive sig (A:Type) (P:A -> Prop) : Type :=
exist : forall x:A, P x -> sig P.
Which I read as
"A sig P is a type, where P is a function taking an A and returning a Prop. The type is defined such that an element x of type A is of type sig P if P x holds."
is defined as
Definition proj1_sig (e:sig P) := match e with
| exist _ a b => a
I'm not sure what to make of that. Could somebody provide a more intuitive understanding?
The type is defined such that an element
of typeA
is of typesig P
ifP x
That is not entirely correct : we can't say x : sig A P
. An inhabitant e
of type sig A P
is essentially a pair of an element x : A
and a proof that P x
holds (this is called a dependent pair). x
and P x
are "wrapped" together using the data constructor exist
To see this let us first consider the non-dependent pair type prod
, which is defined as follows:
Inductive prod (A B : Type) : Type := pair : A -> B -> A * B
's inhabitants are pairs, like pair 1 true
(or, using notations, (1, true)
), where the types of both components are independent of each other.
Since A -> B
in Coq is just syntactic sugar for forall _ : A, B
(defined here), the definition of prod
can be desugared into
Inductive prod (A B : Type) : Type := pair : forall _ : A, B -> prod A B
The above definition, perhaps, can help to see that elements of sig A P
are (dependent) pairs.
From the implementation we can see that proj1_sig e
unpacks the pair and
returns the first component, viz. x
, throwing away the proof of P x
The Coq.Init.Specif
module contains the following comment:
(sig A P)
, or more suggestively{x:A | P x}
, denotes the subset of elements of the typeA
which satisfy the predicateP
If we look at the type of proj1_sig
Check proj1_sig.
proj1_sig : forall (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop), {x : A | P x} -> A
we will see that proj1_sig
gives us a way of recovering an element of a superset A
from its subset {x : A | P x}
and proj1_sig
Also, we can say that in some sense proj1_sig
is analogous to the fst
function, which returns the first component of a pair:
Check @fst.
fst : forall A B : Type, A * B -> A
There is a trivial property of fst
Goal forall A B (a : A) (b : B),
fst (a, b) = a.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
We can formulate a similar statement for proj1_sig
Goal forall A (P : A -> Prop) (x : A) (prf : P x),
proj1_sig (exist P x prf) = x.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.