I am using Polymer Starter Kit, and I have included a few YouTube videos in one of my pages with <google-youtube>
elements. When I click to view a video in fullscreen mode, the side app-drawer
and top app-header
persist and cover the video. How do I hide the drawer and header?
<app-drawer paper-drawer-toggle class="appDrawer" id="menu" on-tap="closeMenu">
<div class="appDrawerBackground">
<app-toolbar class="appDrawer">Menu</app-toolbar>
<hr class="menuLine">
<iron-selector selected="[[page]]" attr-for-selected="name" class="drawer-list" role="navigation">
<a class="homeMargin" name="home" href="/home">Biography</a>
<a name="view1" href="/acting">Acting</a>
<a name="view2" href="/produce">Directing / Producing</a>
<a name="view3" href="/contact">Contact</a>
<app-header condenses reveals effects="waterfall">
<paper-icon-button icon="menu" drawer-toggle></paper-icon-button>
<div title>
<img class="headerImg" src="/images/toolbar-logo.png">
Polymer Starter Kit's root layout element, app-drawer-layout
, contains the app-drawer
and the app-header
, both of which have their own stacking context's with a positive z-index
-- one that is higher than the <iron-pages>
child, which presumably contains the <google-youtube>
element. Since <google-youtube>
is in a lower stacking context than the header and drawer, the video's z-index
alone won't be able to move it to the front.
To compensate, you could use the following CSS to move the app-header
and app-drawer
to a negative z-index
, allowing <google-youtube>
's inner video to stack above them when fullscreen. (This was tested on Chrome 56, Firefox 50, and Safari 10 on macOS Sierra)
app-drawer-layout:-webkit-full-screen-ancestor app-header,
app-drawer-layout:-webkit-full-screen-ancestor app-drawer {
z-index: -1 !important;
Note the :-webkit-full-screen-ancestor
pseudo-class is applied to all ancestors of the fullscreen element (i.e., <google-youtube>
's video element) and is automatically removed when exiting fullscreen. This WebKit pseudo-class currently has no documentation that I could find. Note the Gecko equivalent (:-moz-full-screen-ancestor
) was removed from Firefox 50, although :-webkit-full-screen-ancestor
still works there.