I have got p element with some text. In this text in HTML code I use some "escape" characters like \n, \?, \t, etc. When I get the string in JS code, it is treated as \\n, \\?, \\t. I want to replace it for REAL escaped characters as below in the snippet.
I want to change all "\\char" from the string into output escaped "\char".
It works when I replace all the characters separately (as below), but I wonder how to do that once for all characters preceded by \ in my text.
I need something like this:
or something like this:
but it does not work because the slash \ makes the following sign ' or $ escaped in the code. Is there any way to insert escape character other than use \ ?
var input = document.getElementById('sampInput');
var output = document.getElementById('sampOutput');
var parsedInput = input.innerHTML
output.innerHTML = parsedInput;
p {
<p id="sampInput">hello\nworld\nhello\tworld\nsome \? character and another \* character</p>
<p id="sampOutput"></p>
There's no direct way to do what you're asking, but you can write some code to do it:
var charmap = {
n: "\n",
r: "\r",
f: "\f",
t: "\t",
b: "\b"
var replaced = string.replace(/\\(.)/g, function(_, char) {
return (char in charmap) ? charmap[char] : char;
If you wanted to additionally parse \uNNNN
escapes, that'd be a little more complicated.