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How to execute a javascript function on TIDHttp (indy) delphi?

I have a TIDHttp (Indy) component, retrieving a website, from where I get the html text to parse and with the data gathered display into a delphi form.

The code is working fine, but when more than 10 records are found, the website shows a link to a Next() javascript function that loads the next 10 records and so on.

Is there something that I can do with TIDHttp in order to execute the next() function ?

The code I'm using to retrieve the html text is as follows:

procedure TForm1.ObtemStringsCorreio(aParamEntrada:string; var aRetorno:TStringList);
    _ParamList : TStringList;
    _ParamList := TStringList.Create;

    _ParamList.Add('cepEntrada=' + aParamEntrada);

        aRetorno.Text := idhtp1.Post(cEngineCorreios, _ParamList);
        mmo1.Text :=  aRetorno.Text;


  • Indy is a communications library. It does not have any means for client side script execution. You will need to use another library for that.

    A headless browser would be the ideal solution. A more heavyweight solution would be to embed a browser in a hidden form, and get it to do the work. You could use TWebBrowser, Chromium, etc. for this purpose.