I read many posts on this, including a good tutorial but I still cannot find what is wrong with my code. My intention is to configure the web page I am designing to be able to work with Iron Router.
It basically displays a number of pictures with captions and, when the user selects one, a message is displayed in a new template and format (that is why I need Iron Router).
I am facing trouble in setting it up: the ApplicationLayout template should render the boost template for each user so all his/her pictures are displayed. However, when it is displayed, I get the html for body.html but not the one in boost.html.
The Java Script helpers and event handlers work fine; I have checked for that already. That is why I only include the code for body.html, boost.html and routes.js. Please note that the code corresponds to three different files: both html files are in the same folder (ui) and the js file is in the lib folder, all inside my project's directory.
Thanks in advance!
<template name="ApplicationLayout">
{{> sAlert}}
<div id="background">
<img src="http://s1.picswalls.com/wallpapers/2015/11/21/beautiful-motivation-wallpaper_10342177_288.jpg" class="stretch" alt="" />
<div class="container">
{{#if currentUser}}
<h1>Your Boosts! ({{incompleteCount}})</h1>
<h1>Community Boosts!</h1>
{{> undoRedoButtons}}
{{> loginButtons}}
{{#if currentUser}}
<form class="new-boosts">
<input type="text" name="text" placeholder="Type to add a short description"/>
<input type="text" name="image" accept = "image/*" placeholder="Type to add a picture url"/>
<input type="number" name="importance" min = "0" placeholder="Type to choose an importance position"/>
<textarea class = "text-area" name="message" rows = "10" cols = "5" placeholder="Type a message for yourself"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" class="new-boosts first">
{{#each boosts}}
{{> yield}}
<template name="boost">
<article class="image-with-header">
<img class="image" src="{{image}}" />
<li class="{{#if private}}private{{/if}}">
<button class="delete">×</button>
{{#if isOwner}}
<button class="toggle-private">
{{#if private}}
<span class="text"><strong>{{username}}</strong> - <input type="text" value="{{text}}" name="caption"> - <input type="number" value="{{importance}}" name="importance"> </span>
layoutTemplate: 'ApplicationLayout'
Router.route('/', function () {
I believe the problem is that you are using {{> yield}}
inside an each
loop. Try this:
<template name="ApplicationLayout">
{{!-- ... --}}
{{> yield}}
{{!-- ... --}}
<template name="boosts">
{{#each boosts}}
{{> boost}}
<template name="boost">
{{!-- ... --}}
// in tempalte file
boosts() {
// return boosts here
// in router file
layoutTemplate: 'ApplicationLayout'
Router.route('/', function () {