I cannot find out why the mp3 file is different after download from my server than original one saved previously there.
This is my controller method. The content of file (byte[] content) is identical with original file on this stage - the original file is the same as file retrieved from database (checked in debugger).
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/{sampleId}/file")
public HttpEntity<byte[]> getFile(@PathVariable Long sampleId) {
ResourceEntity resourceEntity = testSampleRepository.getFile(sampleId);
byte[] content = resourceEntity.getContent();
String fileName = resourceEntity.getFileName();
HttpHeaders header = new HttpHeaders();
header.setContentType(new MediaType("audio", "mpeg"));
"attachment; filename=" + fileName.replace(" ", "_"));
return new HttpEntity<byte[]>(content, header);
This is how files differ (the left is original one):
Why passing using HTTP distors my file? Should mediaTypes enforce certain encoding? (there was no difference with "audio/mpeg" mediaType and without it).
It should work, if you set the produces = "application/octet-stream"
). Otherwise, you are trapped by Spring's converter framework.
You may want to have a look here, seems your problem is very similar: Spring MVC: How to return image in @ResponseBody? .