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Rails bundler doesn't install gems inside a group

I have several gems including ruby-debug in a bundler group called :development. When I run the bundle command, these gems are ignored and it only installs the gems that are not in any group. How can I make sure bundler doesn't ignore the gems in the :development group?

Edit: This is what my Gemfile looks like.

source ''
gem 'rails', '3.0.1'

# Auth gems
gem "devise", "1.1.3"
gem "omniauth"

# Bundle Mongoid gems
gem "mongoid", "2.0.0.beta.19"
gem "bson_ext"

# Asset gems
gem 'jquery-rails'
gem "jammit"

# Controller gems
gem 'inherited_resources', '1.1.2'

# View gems
gem 'haml'
gem 'formtastic', '~> 1.1.0'

# Nokogiri
gem "mechanize"
gem "json"

group :development do
  gem "ruby-debug"
  gem 'compass'
  gem 'compass-colors'
  gem 'pickler'
  gem 'haml-rails'
  gem 'rails3-generators'
  gem "hpricot"
  gem "ruby_parser"
  gem 'fog'


  • Within a term session, it remembers the without option. If you first ran

    bundle install --without development 

    it remembers that you did this and will automatically repeat this for the next

    bundle install #remembers and includes --without development

    running something else, like bundle install --without nothing should clear the cache. Am I right?

    update 20150214: This is fixed in bundler 2.0, according to issue referenced in comment by @Stan Bondi ( Thanks Stan.