I'm making a space game that renders objects onto a JPanel. These objects' render method is called in my Space class.
I have 2 objects, alienShip and myShip with respective classes. Each class has a render method. I can't get both ships to render onto my JPanel simultaneously, it's either one or the other. I only see the object that calls the .render(g2) method first.
spaceImage=new BufferedImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
foregroundImage=new BufferedImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
//create the space Image background and instantiate ships (myShip, alienShip)
//Below render() method is called in my Game class using a standard game loop with
update method and rendor method.
public void render(Graphics2D g) {
Graphics2D g2=(Graphics2D) foregroundImage.getGraphics();
g2.drawImage(spaceImage, 0, 0, null);
myShip.render(g2); <---alienShip does not appear, only myShip.
alienShip.render(g2); <---If I swap these 2 commands, then alienShip appears,
and myShip does not
g.drawImage(foregroundImage, x, x, null);
public void render(Graphics2D g) {
g.drawImage(shipImage, x, y, null);
I've tried to create a Drawable interface, and loop through all drawable objects calling DrawableObject.render(g2), but doesn't fix it. Furthermore, I have bullets that DO rendor simultaneously with myShip.
myShip and alienShip does extend an abstract class called Ship as well. Hope this makes sense.
You're .dispose()
ing the graphics object after drawing one item, then trying to draw another item with it.