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invalid escape in pattern HTML/Javascript

I am trying to make an <input> field that uses a pattern to check if the input is a valid windows file path.

The pattern I have is


However, when putting this into the pattern attribute of an <input> field:

<input id="path" type="text" pattern="^(?:[\w]\:|\)(\[a-zA-Z_\-\s0-9\.()~!@#$%^&=+';,{}[]]+)+\.(exe)$">

An error is displayed in the console saying:

Pattern attribute value
^(?:[\w]\:|\\)(\\[a-zA-Z_\-\s0-9\.()~!@#$%^&=+';,{}\[\]]+)+\.(exe)$ is
not a valid regular expression:  Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular
expression: /^(?:[\w]\:|\\)(\\[a-zA-Z_\-\s0-9\.()~!@#$%^&=+';,{}\[\]]+)+\.(exe)$/:
Invalid escape

I have tried several ways of writing this pattern, but none seem to work.


  • You only need to escape the characters in the character class that must be escaped otherwise, you will always get this error.

    2023 Update:

    Now, that pattern attribute is compiled with the v flag, escaping rules have become way stricter. See Valid with the RegExp u flag, but not with the v flag for more details.

    The current solution will look like


    Note the [, {, }, ( and ) that are escaped now.

    Original answer



    See the JSFiddle


    • The hyphen must be at the end of the character class
    • The ] inside the character class must be escaped
    • The [ and . must not be escaped
    • The : must never be esacaped, it is never a special character
    • [a-zA-Z0-9_] = \w
    • The pattern is always anchored by default, you need no ^ and $ anchors.