I want to let the user input their own town/city and country, so I want to allow alphabets and a comma only in between city and country, below is what I came up with but it doesn't work with the second expression
the first one is imperfect, bcos it allow as many commas as you want to put in,
if(!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z\s\,]+$/', $mem_town_city_country) || !preg_match('/[a-zA-Z\s]\,[a-zA-Z\s]/', $mem_town_city_country))
$error = true;
echo '<error elementid="mem_town_city_country" message="TOWN/CITY, COUNTRY - sorry, they appear to be incorrect."/>';
how can I allow one comma only?
also, not sure if this is too much - can I check the character input for the city, for instance at least 3, and at least 4 for the country?
You were close. Try this:
For the number of characters requirement: