In PHP, we (at least the good programmers) always start general variable names with a lower-case letter, but class variables/objects with an uppercase letter to distinguish them. In the same way we start general file names with a lower case letter, but files containing Classes with an upper case letter.
$number = 123;
$string = "a string";
$colors_array = array('red', 'blue', 'red');
$Cat = New Cat();
Are the conventions the same in Java, i.e., objects starting with uppercase, but the rest with lowercase, or does everything start with lowercase as I've read in other places?
Generally, all variables will start with lower case:
int count = 32;
double conversionFactor = 1.5d;
Some people like to put static constants in all case:
public static final double KILOGRAM_TO_POUND = 2.20462262;
Things get more annoying when you deal with acronyms, and there is no real standard on whether you should use:
HTMLHandler myHtmlHandler;
HTMLHandler myHTMLHandler.
Now, either way, note that the class names (Object, String, HTMLHandler) always start with a capital letter, but individual object variables start lowercase.