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Where to place the front-end javascript files?

I am developing an express based web application and I started following the application skeleton built by express-generator.

Next, I added to my project webpack to bundle the client side assets.

Now I am not sure where to place the front-end javascript files, if in a /src or /app folder?

In truth, I am in a dilemma between, app.js, /lib, /src and /app folders.

  1. According to express-generator, it creates an app.js file as the main entry and thus it looks a little bit strange to have an app folder with same name of the entry point app.js.

  2. webpack usage manual suggests a /src folder to place javascript files. But I think /src should not be exclusively for front-end javascripts and on the other hand, I would not like to mix both server and front-end javascript files in same folder.

  3. Moreover, the Accepted Answer to the question Folder structure for a Node.js project, contradicts the previous point because it states:

/src contains all your server-side specific CoffeeScript files

So, I think that maybe /src is not the better option to place front-end javscript files and according to the Accepted answer to the question Node.js project naming conventions for files & folders I would follow the proposed structure:

  /app - front-end javascript files
  /bin - helper scripts
  /lib - back-end express files

But is it ok to have a folder /app and a file app.js with same name? Furthermore, /app is related with front-end and app.js with back-end.


  • I would suggest you to just rename your main file from app.js to index.js and keep the structure proposed in Node.js project naming conventions for files & folders:

      /app - front-end javascript files
      /bin - helper scripts
      /lib - back-end express files

    Thus, there is no more misleading between /app folder related to front-end and the index.js, which is the back-end entry point.