Windows must do something to parse the PE header, load the executable in memory, and pass command line arguments to main()
Using OllyDbg I have set the debugger to break on main() so I could view the call stack:
It seems as if symbols are missing so we can't get the function name, just its memory address as seen. However we can see the caller of main is kernel32.767262C4
, which is the callee of ntdll.77A90FD9
. Towards the bottom of the stack we see RETURN to ntdll.77A90FA4
which I assume to be the first function to ever be called to run an executable. It seems like the notable arguments passed to that function are the Windows' Structured Exception Handler address and the entry point of the executable.
So how exactly do these functions end up in loading the program into memory and getting it ready for the entry point to execute? Is what the debugger shows the entire process executed by the OS before main()
if you call CreateProcess
system internally call ZwCreateThread[Ex]
to create first thread in process
when you create thread - you (if you direct call ZwCreateThread
) or system initialize the CONTEXT
record for new thread - here Eip(i386)
or Rip(amd64)
the entry point of thread. if you do this - you can specify any address. but when you call say Create[Remote]Thread[Ex]
- how i say - the system fill CONTEXT
and it set self routine as thread entry point. your original entry point is saved in Eax(i386)
or Rcx(amd64)
the name of this routine depended from Windows version.
early this was BaseThreadStartThunk
or BaseProcessStartThunk
(in case from CreateProcess
called) from kernel32.dll
but now system specify RtlUserThreadStart
from ntdll.dll
. the RtlUserThreadStart
usually call BaseThreadInitThunk
from kernel32.dll
(except native (boot execute) applications, like smss.exe
and chkdsk.exe
which no have kernel32.dll
in self address space at all ). BaseThreadInitThunk
already call your original thread entry point, and after (if) it return - RtlExitUserThread
the main goal of this common thread startup wrapper - set the top level
filter. only because this we can call SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
function. if thread start direct from your entry point, without wrapper - the functional of Top level Exception Filter become unavailable.
but whatever the thread entry point - thread in user space - NEVER begin execute from this point !
early when user mode thread begin execute - system insert APC
to thread with LdrInitializeThunk
as Apc-routine - this is done by copy (save) thread CONTEXT
to user stack and then call KiUserApcDispatcher
which call LdrInitializeThunk
. when LdrInitializeThunk
finished - we return to KiUserApcDispatcher
which called NtContinue
with saved thread CONTEXT
- only after this already thread entry point begin executed.
but now system do some optimization in this process - it copy (save) thread CONTEXT
to user stack and direct call LdrInitializeThunk
. at the end of this function NtContinue
called - and thread entry point being executed.
so EVERY thread begin execute in user mode from LdrInitializeThunk
. (this function with exactly name exist and called in all windows versions from nt4 to win10)
what is this function do ? for what is this ? you may be listen about
notification ? when new thread in process begin executed (with exception for special system worked threads, like LdrpWorkCallback
)- he walk by loaded DLL list, and call DLLs entry points with DLL_THREAD_ATTACH
notification (of course if DLL have entry point and DisableThreadLibraryCalls
not called for this DLL). but how this is implemented ? thanks to LdrInitializeThunk
which call LdrpInitialize
-> LdrpInitializeThread
-> LdrpCallInitRoutine
(for DLLs EP)
when the first thread in process start - this is special case. need do many extra jobs for process initialization. at this time only two modules loaded in process -
and ntdll.dll
. LdrInitializeThunk
call LdrpInitializeProcess
for this job. if very briefly:
different process structures is initialized
loading all DLL (and their dependents) to which EXE statically linked - but not call they EPs !
called LdrpDoDebuggerBreak
- this function look - are debugger
attached to process, and if yes - int 3
called - so debugger
receive exception message - STATUS_BREAKPOINT
- most debuggers can
begin UI debugging only begin from this point. however exist
debugger(s) which let as debug process from LdrInitializeThunk
all my screenshots from this kind debugger
important point - until in process executed code only from
(and may be from kernel32.dll
) - code from another
DLLs, any third-party code not executed in process yet.
optional loaded shim dll to process - Shim Engine initialized. but this is OPTIONAL
walk by loaded DLL list and call its EPs with
TLS Initializations and TLS callbacks called (if exists)
is called - this call check are exist APC in thread
queue, and execute its. this point exist in all version from NT4 to
win 10. this let as for example create process in suspended state
and then insert APC call ( QueueUserAPC
) to it thread
) - as result this call will be
executed after process will be fully initialized, all
called, but before EXE entry point. in context
of first process thread.
and NtContinue called finally - this restore saved thread context and we finally jump to thread EP
read also Flow of CreateProcess