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JavaScript Regex French Phone Number

I try to define a regex in Javascript who can accept separators like spaces, points, double-points and dashes. My regex is working when there is no separators but when I add space or other separator, it's not working.

I have to precise: this regex is for French phone number (0123456789 or or 01 23 45 67 89,...). Also, this regex can accept "+33" who replaces the first "0".

This is my regex

var regex = /^(0|\+33)[1-9]([-.: ]?[0-9]{2}){4}$/;

Can someone tell me what is wrong?


  • Thank you everyone for yours quick answers!

    So as Wiktor Stribiżew said, my regex was good! (Thank you for the link, I didn't know this website).

    I have tried a lot of things so sorry for the late reply, but I have found where was my error!

    My function is the next one (called by a onblur):

    function verifTel(champ) {
         var regex = /^(0|\+33)[1-9]([-.: ]?[0-9]{2}){4}$/;
         if(!regex.test(champ.value)) {
             surligne(champ, true);
             return false;
         } else {
             surligne(champ, false);
             return true;

    surligne() is my function for changing the color of the input text. When I wrote 0123456789 my text was green but when I wrote my text was red.

    BUT my error wasn't in JavaScript... My error was here, in my HTML:

    <input id="tel" type="number" placeholder="Téléphone" required onblur="verifTel(this)">

    The type="number" accept only numbers and "e" letter. So, I have changed the type to "text" and now it's working!

    Thank you everyone for your answers! Have a nice day!