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React Redux dispatch action after another action

I have an async action, which fetch data from REST API:

export const list = (top, skip) => dispatch => {
    dispatch({ type: 'LIST.REQUEST' });

    $.get(API_URL, { top: top, skip: skip })
        .done((data, testStatus, jqXHR) => {
            dispatch({ type: 'LIST.SUCCESS', data: data });

A sync action, which changes skip state:

export const setSkip = (skip) => {
    return {
        type: 'LIST.SET_SKIP',
        skip: skip

Initial state for top = 10, skip = 0. In component:

class List extends Component {
    componentDidMount() {        

    nextPage() {
        let top =;
        let skip = this.props.list.skip;

        // After this 
        this.props.onSetSkip(skip + top);

        // Here skip has previous value of 0.
        // Here skip has new value of 10.

    list() {
        this.props.List(, this.props.list.skip);

    render () {
        return (
                <table> ... </table>
                <button onClick={this.nextPage.bind(this)}>Next</button>

When button Next at first time clicked, value of skip which uses async action not changed. How I can to dispatch action after sync action?


  • Thanks for the replies, but I made it this way:

    let top =;
    let skip = this.props.list.skip;
    let newSkip = skip + top;
    this.props.onList(top, newSkip);

    First I calculate new skip and dispatch an async action with this new value. Then I dispatch a syns action, which updates skip in state.