I am looking for BDD java framework with possibility to reuse Given & Then for Unit and Integration tests.
In other words 1. Given some precondition. 2. When - depending on the environment 3. Then verify results of When
I want to be able by changing When, and keeping Given and Then intact, change the type of the test, for example in simple REST service:
So in example, Given and Then behave the same way, for both integration and unit tests, and by simply changin When the scope of the test goes from UNIT to INTEGRATION.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
I don't want to reinvent the wheel
If you're using Java 8 then you should have a look at this github project.
Using this you could achieve what you want without the hassle of creating classes. This is due to the use of Generics + Java 8 Lambdas.
Here are some basic test samples:
public void basicFlowTest() {
.when("multiplying by 2", givenValue -> 2 * givenValue)
.then("value should be even", whenValue -> whenValue % 2 == 0);
public void multiTypeFlowTest() {
LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.now();
DayOfWeek expectedDay = localDateTime.getDayOfWeek();
.when("retrieving current day", date -> date.getDayOfWeek())
.then("days should match", day -> expectedDay == day);
public void assertFlowTest() {
Integer primeNumber = 17;
given("a prime number", primeNumber)
.when("finding dividers naively", number -> IntStream.rangeClosed(1, number)
.boxed().filter(value -> number % value == 0).collect(Collectors.toList()))
.then(dividers -> {
assertEquals("should have two dividers", 2, dividers.size());
assertEquals("first divider should be 1", 1, (int) dividers.get(0));
assertEquals(String.format("first divider should be %d", primeNumber), primeNumber, dividers.get(1));