I am trying to get AutoFac Delegate Factories & Type Interceptors to play nicely with each other, but I cannot seem to get the behaviour I want.
(http://docs.autofac.org/en/latest/advanced/delegate-factories.html) (http://docs.autofac.org/en/latest/advanced/interceptors.html)
In the example below, I want calls to the IQuoteService.GetQuote(...) to be intercepted by the CallLogger interceptor.
I've tried both of the Enable___(); extension methods for enabling interception, but none of them seem to correctly intercept the call.
I suspect the problem is the way that Autofac is registering the proxy and the signature of the delegate, but to be honest I am a little stuck... I don't know Autofac as well as I know Castle Windsor, but this project is using Autofac.
Code updated to working example:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Autofac;
using Autofac.Extras.DynamicProxy2;
using Castle.DynamicProxy;
namespace AutofacTest
public class Shareholding
public delegate Shareholding Factory(string symbol, uint holding);
private readonly IQuoteService _quoteService;
public Shareholding(string symbol, uint holding, IQuoteService quoteService)
_quoteService = quoteService;
Symbol = symbol;
Holding = holding;
public string Symbol { get; private set; }
public uint Holding { get; set; }
public decimal Value
get { return _quoteService.GetQuote(Symbol) * Holding; }
public class Portfolio
private readonly IList<Shareholding> _holdings = new List<Shareholding>();
private readonly Shareholding.Factory _shareholdingFactory;
public Portfolio(Shareholding.Factory shareholdingFactory)
_shareholdingFactory = shareholdingFactory;
public decimal Value
get { return _holdings.Sum(h => h.Value); }
public void Add(string symbol, uint holding)
_holdings.Add(_shareholdingFactory(symbol, holding));
public interface IQuoteService
decimal GetQuote(string symbol);
public class QuoteService : IQuoteService
public decimal GetQuote(string symbol)
return 10m;
public class CallLogger : IInterceptor
private readonly TextWriter _output;
public CallLogger(TextWriter output)
_output = output;
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
_output.Write("Calling method {0} with parameters {1}... ",
string.Join(", ", invocation.Arguments.Select(a => (a ?? "").ToString()).ToArray()));
_output.WriteLine("Done: result was {0}.", invocation.ReturnValue);
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.Register(c => new CallLogger(Console.Out));
var container = builder.Build();
var portfolio = container.Resolve<Portfolio>();
portfolio.Add("ABC", 1234);
portfolio.Add("DEF", 4567);
// Magic?
builder.Register(c => new CallLogger(Console.Out));
var container = builder.Build();
var isResolved = container.Resolve<IPortfolio>();