Search code examples

Providing different options to select elements with one call when using select2

I'm using the jQuery plugin select2 (V4) and I am calling it on all my selects such as:

var select2_params = {
    minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity,
    templateResult: applyCategoryClasses,
    templateSelection: applyCategoryClasses,


However, on certain selects I would like to add extra options, if for example they are inside a certain parent element.

Is this possible or would I have to destroy the respective select elements and then apply them again with the new options such as:



  • Destroy the select and then reinitialize it with new parameters (also you can perform so called "chaining"):

     jQuery('#element').find('select').select2('destroy').find('select').select2({/*your new parameters*/});

    You can also define your configuration options by using the HTML5 data-* attributes, which will override any options set when initializing Select2 and any defaults.

     <select data-tags="true" data-placeholder="Select an option" data-allow-clear="true"></select>

    The above code is equivalent to:

      tags: "true",
      placeholder: "Select an option",
      allowClear: true