Let's say I'm making a call to an API that responds with the following JSON for a product:
"id": 123,
"name": "The Best Product",
"brand": {
"id": 234,
"name": "ACME Products"
I'm able to map the product id and name just fine using Jackson annotations:
public class ProductTest {
private int productId;
private String productName, brandName;
public int getProductId() {
return productId;
public void setProductId(int productId) {
this.productId = productId;
public String getProductName() {
return productName;
public void setProductName(String productName) {
this.productName = productName;
public String getBrandName() {
return brandName;
public void setBrandName(String brandName) {
this.brandName = brandName;
And then using the fromJson method to create the product:
JsonNode apiResponse = api.getResponse();
Product product = Json.fromJson(apiResponse, Product.class);
But now I'm trying to figure out how to grab the brand name, which is a nested property. I was hoping that something like this would work:
public String getBrandName() {
return brandName;
But of course it didn't. Is there an easy way to accomplish what I want using annotations?
The actual JSON response I'm trying to parse is very complex, and I don't want to have to create an entire new class for every sub-node, even though I only need a single field.
You can achieve this like that:
String brandName;
private void unpackNameFromNestedObject(Map<String, String> brand) {
brandName = brand.get("name");