Having trouble with this code below. It is implementation of population evolution. In my case the max fitness is struck at a local maxima everytime and is unable to reach max possible value. Kindly suggest necessary edits and reason for the same.
package genetic.algorithm.project;
import java.util.Random;
public class Individual {
public static int SIZE = 300;
private int[] genes = new int[SIZE];
private double fitnessValue = 0.0;
// Getters and Setters
public void setGene(int index,int gene){
this.genes[index] = gene;
public int getGene(int index){
return this.genes[index];
public void setFitnessValue(double fitness){
this.fitnessValue = fitness;
public double getFitnessValue(){
return this.fitnessValue;
//Function to generate a new individual with random set of genes
public void generateIndividual(){
Random rand = new Random();
for(int i=0;i<SIZE;i++){
this.setGene(i, rand.nextInt(2));
//Mutation Function
public void mutate(){
Random rand = new Random();
int index = rand.nextInt(SIZE);
this.setGene(index, 1-this.getGene(index)); // Flipping value of gene
//Function to set Fitness value of an individual
public int evaluate(){
int fitness = 0;
for(int i=0; i<SIZE; ++i) {
fitness += this.getGene(i);
return fitness;
import java.util.Random;
public class Population {
final static int ELITISM = 1;
final static int POP_SIZE = 200+ELITISM; //Population size + Elitism (1)
final static int MAX_ITER = 2000;
final static double MUTATION_RATE = 0.05;
final static double CROSSOVER_RATE = 0.7;
private static Random rand = new Random();
private double totalFitness;
private Individual[] pop;
public Population(){
pop = new Individual[POP_SIZE];
//Initialising population
for(int i=0;i<POP_SIZE;i++){
pop[i] = new Individual();
//Storing new generation in population
public void setPopulation(Individual[] newPop) {
this.pop = newPop;
//Method to find total fitness of population
public double evaluate(){
this.totalFitness = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < POP_SIZE; i++) {
this.totalFitness += pop[i].evaluate();
return this.totalFitness;
public Individual getIndividual(int index) {
return pop[index];
//Function to find fittest individual for elitism
public Individual getFittest() {
Individual fittest = pop[0];
for (int i = 0; i < POP_SIZE; i++) {
if (fittest.getFitnessValue() <= getIndividual(i).getFitnessValue()) {
fittest = getIndividual(i);
return fittest;
//CROSSOVER Function : Takes 2 individuals and returns 2 new individuals
public static Individual[] crossover(Individual indiv1,Individual indiv2) {
Individual[] newIndiv = new Individual[2];
newIndiv[0] = new Individual();
newIndiv[1] = new Individual();
int randPoint = rand.nextInt(Individual.SIZE);
int i;
for (i=0; i<randPoint; ++i) {
newIndiv[0].setGene(i, indiv1.getGene(i));
newIndiv[1].setGene(i, indiv2.getGene(i));
for (; i<Individual.SIZE; ++i) {
newIndiv[0].setGene(i, indiv2.getGene(i));
newIndiv[1].setGene(i, indiv1.getGene(i));
return newIndiv;
//Roulette Wheel Selection Function
public Individual rouletteWheelSelection() {
double randNum = rand.nextDouble() * this.totalFitness;
int idx;
for (idx=0; idx<POP_SIZE && randNum>0; idx++) {
randNum -= pop[idx].getFitnessValue();
return pop[idx-1];
//Main method
public static void main(String[] args) {
Population pop = new Population();
Individual[] newPop = new Individual[POP_SIZE];
Individual[] indiv = new Individual[2];
//Current Population Stats
System.out.println("Total Fitness = "+pop.totalFitness);
System.out.println("Best Fitness = "+pop.getFittest().getFitnessValue());
int count;
for(int iter=0;iter<MAX_ITER;iter++){
count =0;
newPop[count] = pop.getFittest();
//Creating new population
while(count < POP_SIZE){
//Selecting parents
indiv[0] = pop.rouletteWheelSelection();
indiv[1] = pop.rouletteWheelSelection();
// Crossover
if (rand.nextDouble() < CROSSOVER_RATE ) {
indiv = crossover(indiv[0], indiv[1]);
// Mutation
if ( rand.nextDouble() < MUTATION_RATE ) {
if ( rand.nextDouble() < MUTATION_RATE ) {
// add to new population
newPop[count] = indiv[0];
newPop[count+1] = indiv[1];
count += 2;
// Saving new population in pop
//Evaluating new population
System.out.print("Total Fitness = " + pop.totalFitness);
System.out.println(" ; Best Fitness = " +pop.getFittest().getFitnessValue());
Individual bestIndiv = pop.getFittest();
The max possible value of fitness is 300 in my case but it always stucks around 200-230.
Replaced this function :
public void setPopulation(Individual[] newPop) {
this.pop = newPop;
public void setPopulation(Individual[] newPop) {
System.arraycopy(newPop, 0, this.pop, 0, POP_SIZE);
and it works fine now.